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Micro Hole

Category OCR

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.

bancor Micro Hole is a patented solution to verify checks security by controlling the characters micro-perforated fields and identify any alterations or tampering in order to prevent counterfeiting, in compliance with the strictest anti-counterfeiting standards defined by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance.

bancor Micro Hole, in addition to the normal acquisition in grayscale or colors according to IQA standards, verified by bancor through 16 sophisticated controls, with a third image of the check on which the physical presence of the microhole is reported, an image that is simultaneously captured and stored together with traditional ones.

  • Time saving providing to workers with a tool to facilitate their operations, avoiding them to manually control the bank checks
  • Cost reduction of manual activities with low added value and high risk margin
  • Security increasing of the activities related to the bank checks management
  • Frauds reduction and increase security in case of any disputes
  • Positive return in terms of image towards customers, financial authorities, credit agencies, etc
  • Check images management in a simplified and secure manner
  • Comply with the regulations of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance regarding the digitization of check images
  • Quickly return on investment by reducing costs and increasing customer satisfaction
  • And many others…

Financial Institution

To verify the authenticity of the check


Who wish to integrate their devices with the possibility to verify the checks microholes

Access Control

Who use checks as a payment method


Any organization that needs to prevent checks counterfeiting by controlling microholes

  • Check processing package containing:
    • Physical microhole
    • Arabic numeration
    • Datamatrix
  • Checks reading in just 1 second with 99.99% accuracy
  • Images auto-deskew
  • It automatically crops the images
  • It automatically selects the areas to be read (such as, for example the CMC7 zone, data matrix, etc)
  • Automatic orientation 0 – 180 degrees
  • Able to read information regardless of the document background color or fonts used



Managed documents

  • Italian checks
  • Documents with the same characteristics of Italian checks

Main features of a dynamic software

  • Automatic check control
  • Digitization of images
  • Possible visual control on the screen
  • Data reading regardless of the direction in which the document is inserted (Automatic orientation 0 – 180 degrees)
  • Document processing time ~ 1 sec
  • Images auto-deskew, auto-crops and selection of the area to be read (like, for example, CMC7 zone, data matrix, etc)
  • Document fincatura removal, with the aim of making the data more visible


bancor Micro Hole, through its Business Logic:

  1. controls checks microperforation
  2. reads the data matrix
  3. carries out cross-checks on the data to verify their consistency
  4. immediately identifies any fraud, without any interruption or delay in the check cash-in procedure


It optimizes the images archive (merged into a single document)


bancor technologies can reach a reading accuracy of 99.99%

Operational efficiency

Thanks to bancor Micro Hole is possible to reduce micro hole controlling times to a few seconds: in fact, about 1 second is enough to read them

User friendly interface

The user who have to do the operation is equipped with a simple and user friendly interface, which allows him / her to control the data read by the software and, if necessary, correct them manually before confirming the payment


bancor Micro Hole is a solution that can be integrated on:

  • any bancor hardware device

  • any compatible hardware presents into the market which meets the minimum requirements

Know-how and flexibility

Thanks to its flexibility and dynamism, bancor is able to develop any Software package based on customer needs: bancor’s wide Know-How is in fact available to listen to customers and develop specific applications for them