
bancor solutions are able to bring various benefits to its customers

The benefits

  • Reduction of manual activities with low added value
  • Process efficiency
  • Reduction of the margin of errors
  • Time and cost savings
  • Greater efficiency and operational effectiveness
  • Smart workstations
  • Ab-horigine digitization
  • Quick return on investment
  • etc

These benefits can be exploited by many types of organizations.

Financial Institution

Financial Institutions represent the traditional reference sector for bancor solutions. Always specialized in the management of values ​​and physical payments, bancor has been actively contributing for more than 50 years to the success of banks by supporting them in their operational efficiency and digitization projects.

Public Administration

Having many administrative and / or Front Office needs similar to those of bank branches, bancor has over time expanded its reference sectors by offering its products also to Public Administration: hospitals, Ministries of the Interior and Governments of different countries of the world have already adopted bancor solutions.


bancor also offers concrete support to other manufacturers / integrators by providing them with its know-how and the ability to adapt its solutions to their needs, thus helping them to offer solutions that are increasingly complete, reliable and efficient.


bancor solutions also find applicability in the retail world once their operators want to streamline their administrative processes related to the management of any type of document (rigid, paper, flexible, etc.) or need to manage cash in a secure and certified manner.


bancor solutions also find applicability in the world of large-scale distribution once their operators want to streamline their administrative processes related to the management of any type of document (rigid, paper, flexible, etc.) or need to manage cash (from few to high quantities of coins / banknotes) in a safe and certified way.

Service Centers

Through wide know-how and the use of sophisticated technologies in the field of money management, the ability to manage large volumes of cash and the flexibility to adapt its solutions based on customer needs, bancor is also able to support the Service Centers through safe, effective and quality solutions.

Access Control

Since document management operations are typical of hotel or customs or any point, even in self-service mode, which must verify the authenticity of a document, these can find wide benefits in bancor solutions, which allow them to optimize the Travel Experience of travelers.


Anyone can benefit from bancor solutions, especially those who need to:

  • automate and optimize their administrative activities relating to any type of document;
  • manage / read the data contained into the documents in an efficient and effective manner;
  • manage document registration operations without contacts and in total safety;
  • verify the authenticity of cash, both on a small and large scale;
  • count cash quickly;
  • etc

Succesful cases

Front Office dematerialization for the Italian Post Office

  • High production capacity
  • Institutional Clients (Public Administration)
  • Front Office dematerialisation
Discover project

New ATM with check management

  • Partner world market leader in ATMs
  • Compactness of the reader
  • Inspection for optimal maintenance
Discover project

Bank Self-Service T.A.R.Ms

  • Market trend setter in Cash Management
  • Design of the first “Self-Service T.A.R.Ms”
  • Payment management (checks, bulletins, F24)
Discover project

Big Latin American Bank

  • High production capacity
  • Linux architecture
  • Compliance with Fe.Bra.Ban. standards
Discover project

Customization for International Integrator

  • Globally recognized partner
  • Management of the entire check process
  • Check deposit into the safe
Discover project

Hotel Access in Spain

  • Spanish Hotel Industry
  • Compliance with anti-COVID regulations
  • Travel Experience optimization
Discover project

Arab Ministry of Interior

  • Institutiona Clients (Public Administration)
  • 24 / 7 multifunctional self-service channel
  • Better Customer Satisfaction
Discover project

Italian Hospital Sector

  • Institutional client (Hospitals)
  • Documents management with abnormal thickness
  • Integration with the customer’s management SW
Discover project

French Retail Bank

  • Management of a wide variety of documents
  • Branch operation efficiency
  • Better Client Experience
Discover project

Checks management into the Italian banking market

  • First moover for 64 and 80 pockets
  • Market leader in Italy
  • Better satisfaction of issuing banks
Discover project